Javanese dragon




I met a Javanese dragon in the hospital’s hallway and they were just moving around until they saw me and they approached me and put their head on my lap.

I’m screaming internally

I know that they’re known as protectors and giving balance to everything but like,,,,,

The energy also


I suddenly have a surge of positive energy when they lay their head on my lap and I feel really really calm

I wanna talk but I don’t want to seem like I’m talking to myself RIP

I have a feeling that they’re male, but I’m unsure so that’s why I used they pronouns





Guess who’ll try to call them again just to talk to them? This hooman right here.

uwu this is like the best day of my life

Also I think they’re on the younger generation or just have a small body because they’re not as big and long as the one I saw, which should be around 200 years old now.

I’m hyped.

that’s so awesome and im really glad you have someone to protect you. whats the difference between javanese and chinese dragons?

Javanese dragons have no legs at all. It is very rare for one to have legs, and when they do they’re probably one that’s the result of breeding with Chinese dragons(Chinese came here since before Portuguese, so ha) or they’re like, powerful.

Javanese dragons have usually have no wings. Though a Javanese dragon God is usually drawn/carved with wings.

Our dragons wear different crowns. Some simple, some extra. Some have no hair, some have hair.

They can’t fly.. .-. I know that they’re called dragons, but they legit can’t fly(maybe the God, but I honestly haven’t done enough research on him). They dwell at the bottom of things, giving it balance and protection. You can see this in some of our houses, ruins, and historical places and old palace starting from the Majapahit era. Some are said to live underground.

So yeah… They’re basically just big ol’ snek with crowns..

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