Dice Divination 1

Dice divination, know technically by the term astrogalomancy, comes from the Greek word, astragalos, which means ‘dice’ or ‘knucklebone.’ The original dice consisted of small bones, usually sheep bones. In ancient times, these bones were marked with special symbols or letters of the alphabet, then either tossed onto the pages of a picture book, or […]

Dice Divination 1

Throwback Thursday: a Second Look at Dice Divination

On deck: From lower-left and going clockwise, my five-dice set, three-dice set, and two-dice set. When you have multiple dice-divining sets, it helps to have some visual cue to distinguish them from one another. In the time since I first covered the subject of dice divination, I’ve taken a second look at the whole subject. […]

Throwback Thursday: a Second Look at Dice Divination

A little fun

So, just the other day, I was having a small get together with my friends. A little backstory is that Wasteland Weekend was supposed to be happening around this time this year but since the coronavirus they cancelled and reimbursed us for the tickets.

In turn a few people from my clans had a small get together at my place. played poker, did a live podcast, drank, and ate lots of food. It was quite enjoyable and I had a lot of fun. I believe we all did.

There is also an event that my community does at 20:00 every night so we feel we are getting through the lock down together and we are not alone. We yell, scream, sing, bang pans, make as much noise as you could. you get the idea. It is a nice stress releaser. so at the get together when the time came our drunk bodies went out and conducted the ritual. I dont think i have every had that much fun doing it before. It was just something about doing it with my friends that made it that much better.

back to what i was first writing about, we were playing with cards I use for cartomancy. They are clear plastic cards and they are amazing. It was really interesting what cards came up for the games. They always seemed to work in my favour and I did not havce one bad hand. It was quite nice.

I dont think I have ever had that many straights in one event. but a part of me feels like somehow I cheated even though i did not deliberately do it. but we were palying just for fun, so it wasnt too bad. very tempted to do it at another poker event. Some of my friends were wondering if the edges were tampered with because it just seemed to work out for me. but, I didnt win everytime, so that was good.

any thoughts on the situation?

Five Alternatives to the Daily Draw

I still don’t know how I feel about the practice of doing a daily Tarot card. It’s incredibly helpful when you’re first starting out with Tarot: Draw a card at the beginning of the day, interpret it, and revisit it at the end of the day to see how good your interpretation was. Or, alternatively, […]

Five Alternatives to the Daily Draw

How to Survive an Encounter With Baba Yaga

Back in August, I began a devotional relationship with Baba Yaga. As a rule, this is something I don’t recommend to others. Baba Yaga doesn’t like people, and she especially does not like men. If you’re a woman, your chances of surviving an encounter with her are about 1 in 3. As a man, those […]

How to Survive an Encounter With Baba Yaga

Spell Dolls and Poppets

Most people have heard of voodoo dolls. In films and TV shows, they’re usually used by the evil character to control someone or inflict pain on someone. In reality, that is not the purpose of a Voodoo doll. They’re often used for healing and are used in a kind of magic called ‘sympathetic magic’ Sympathetic […]

Spell Dolls and Poppets

Kitchen Magic: Veggies and Fruit Meanings: 🍅🍄🍓🍑🍌



Using this as a guide to help me become a better kitchen witch. 

I spend A LOT of time in the kitchen so I want to learn all the meanings behind everyday ingredients I use. 

So here they are:

Apples: Love, fertility, marriage, beauty, vanity, wisdom.

Avocado: Lust, love, beauty (carry pit around to radiate beauty).

Apricot: Attracts love.

Banana: Fertility, potency, prosperity. 

Blackberry: Healing, protection, money.

Blueberry: Peace, protection.

Broccoli: Leadership, protection, strength.

Brussels Sprouts: Protection, endurance,  protection.

Beets: Love.

Cabbage: Good luck, money, fertility, lunar magic.

Carrots: Lust, fertility.

Cauliflower: Protection.

Celery: Mental & psychic powers, lust, fertility. 

Cherry: Love, divination, happiness.

Coconut: Purification, protection, chastity.

Corn: Protection, good luck, divination.

Cucumber: Healthy, chastity, fertility.

Garlic: Healing, protection, purification, exorcism, guards against negative energy.

Grape: Money, fertility, mental powers, garden magic.

Grapefruit: Cleansing, purification.

Lemon: Cleansing, purification, removes blockages.

Lettuce: Divination, protection, sleep, lunar magic, love spells.

Lime: Protections, purification, promotes calmness.

Mushroom: Psychic awareness.

Onion: Stability, money, lust, protection, prosperity.

Orange: Love, joy, happiness.

Peach: Fertility, love, wisdom.

Pear: Lust, love.

Peas: Luck, money.

Pepper (green): Growth, prosperity.

Pepper (red): Energy, strength.

Pepper (yellow): Creativity. 

Pineapple: Luck, money, chastity.

Plum: Healing, peace, love.

Pomegranate: Divination, wishes, wealth, fertility.

Potato: Healing, money, luck.

Pumpkin: Healing, Prosperity.

Radish: Protection, lust.

Raspberry: Love, protection, happiness, stamina.

Spinach: Prosperity.

Strawberry: Success, good fortune, love, luck, romance.

Sweet Potato: Grounding, love, lust.

Tangerine: Protection.

Tomato: Healing, love, prosperity, protection. 

Watermelon: Healing.

I hope this helps you just as much as it helps me. 


Have a wonderful day, lovely witches! 
