Lemon Test


Have I been cursed? Only one way to find out! The lemon test, much like the lemon curse, uses a lemon to find out whether or not you have been cursed:

Buy one lemon. Anoint a black slow burning candle with an oil with a scent that reminds you of the person who you believe is cursed. Cut the lemon in half and write the name of the person on a small piece of paper and place it on one half of the lemon. Lemons that are cut and left out of the refrigerator only last one day before they start to go bad. leave the lemon halves on the table next to the anointed candle that is burning. Be very concise and ask if the person has been cursed and then leave the candle to burn with the lemon next to it. When the candle burns out, if the lemon with the small piece of paper on it is significantly more “decayed” than the other half of the lemon. Then there is a curse. If they look the same, you’re fine. When you are done with the lemon, rub it in salt and dispose of it. This won’t get rid of the curse if there is one. Just helps with determining.








Hi, I don’t curse, but can we all just agree that cursing white supremacists is a really good-heckin idea right now? Can everyone please just get along and work together to annihilate the fucking Nazis? Just imagine we’ve got our cursers on offense here in combat sending forth their collective conscious force of magickal fucking wrath and non-cursers on support throwing binding spells left and god damn right, energizing the magickally drained cursers after battle, and healing those ill-affected by the war. I’m honestly not settling for less than some fantastic full fledged army of Nazi-ass-busting witches here.

I’m in

Idea for non-curser witches: you can always bind their sorry asses from hurting and harming others. Just a friendly witch tip 😉

It’s also a good idea to cast protection/good luck spells to help protect the people in danger of nazi bullshit

I’m glad you all enjoyed this edition of “Late Night Stonery Ramblings with Amanda” which I barley remember writing from my apparent high-induced inspiration for motivational speeches and destroying the Nazis.

I’m gonna be slaving away at the keyboard today gathering a wide variety of information to compile a detailed master post with spells and tips for both cursers and non-cursers to all gather and merrily participate in the Nazi-ass-busting together in harmony.

Did y’all think I was messing around? 


[A Spell To Bring Light and Positivity Where There Is None]

[Cleansing and Healing Spell Bottle]

[Candle Healing Spell]

[Spell To Regain/Enhance Energy]

[Healing and Protection From Abuse]

[Comfort and Courage Jar Spell]

[Healing Spirits Soup] – *vegan friendly*

{Healing Loved Ones Spell]

(for both protection of yourself and others targeted by Nazis)

[A Guide to Successful Casting Successful Wards]

[I Send You Safety Spell]

[Empath Protection Jar]  for my fellow
empaths out there who have an incredibly hard time handling the suffering of innocent people.

[Protection Jewelry] 

[Warding Meditation]

[A Spell to Prepare for Difficult Times and Give You The Power to Rise] 

[Protection Powder]

[Spell Jar to Protect American Minorities] – I need to give a special shout out to the creator here because this spell is fucking awesome and is absolutely perfect for this cause and useful for all types of witches!

[Mini Protection Vial]

[Bravery Protection Spell]

(useful for my less experienced/low energy witches who want a simple an easy way to contribute)

[”I Will Protect You” Sigil]

[Protection Sigil For You or Someone Else]

[”I Am Shielded From Acts Of Violence” Sigil]

[Sigil For Safety From Dangerous People]

[”No Negative Energy Can Affect Me” Sigil]

[”I Am Protected From That Which Would Do Me Harm” Sigil]

[A Sigil to Keep The Fucking Nazis Away From Your Blog]

[”I Repel Ignorance and Negativity” Sigil]

[”The Holder of This Sigil Is Safe From Harm” Sigil]

[A Sigil to Guard Against Malicious Intruders On Your Blog]

[”My Loved Ones Are Safe and Protected” Sigil]

[Protection From Hate Sigil]

Banishing: (for keeping the Nazis far fucking away from you and your loved ones)

[Simple Banishing Sigil]

[Banishing and Transmutation Sigil]

[Bitch Be Gone Powder]

[Banish Negativity Spell]

[Get Lost Powder]

[Ice Banishment Spell]

[Banish Evil Spell]

[Black Hole Banishing Jar]

[Banishing Powders]


[Burst Your Bubble Curse] – “a
simple curse to destroy someone’s ego or their hopes over something.”

[Avada Kedavra Curse] – “a
harry potter inspired curse designed not to kill, but to make the
target feel death’s presence in their life.”

[Red In Your Ledger Curse] – “a
curse to inflict all the pain a person has caused back on them, one
item at a time.”

[Seven Devils Curse] – “inspired
by florence + the machine’s “seven devils”, a curse to burn the
kingdom of and haunt the target.”

[The Gaston Curse] –  “curse to knock someone off of their high horse and make them feel the pain they have inflicted upon others and/or you.”

[Voice Theft Curse] – 
“a curse to stop someone who has been spewing hateful speech and words and return that negativity they put out back into their life.”

[Death Reborn Revolution Curse] – “a curse meant to drain a target’s energy, power, and motivation.”

Extra Cursing Info: (for those who are inexperienced with cursing and/or are more comfortable with creating their own curses.)

[A Guide to Post-Cursing Cleansing]

[Cursing Correspondences] 

[A Guide On Preforming Curses]

[How To Write Your Own Curses]

(only meant to prevent the target from doing harm)

[Five Simple Binding Spell Methods]

[Binding Chalk]

[Binding Poppet]

[General Binding Spell]

[Generic Binding Spell]

[Sand Spell For Banishing and/or Binding]

[Binding Spell Jar]

[Binding Spell To Prevent Physical/Psychological Harm]

[Binding Spell To Stop Spreading Influence]

[Simple Binding Spell]

& Cursing Spells:
(meant to cause the target harm and prevent them
from harming others, it’s a twofer.)

[Banishing and Cursing Sigil]

[Make Them Choke Binding Curse] 

[Four Elements Binding Curse]

[Binding Curse to Prevent The Enemies Progress and Success]

[Pepper and Dish Soap Binding and Banishing Spell]

[One Ring Binding Curse]

Now go forth my children, and give em’ fucking hell.

Now THIS is the master post I’ve been waiting for.

Year Long Hex


  • An onion
  • 12 Needles
  • Black and Red Thread
  • Chili Peppers
  • Spit
  • Bittersweet Nightshade berries

Select a large onion and slice it down the center. Pull out a good amount of the center, it should be about the size of a half dollar. 

Fill the middle with the chili peppers and the nightshade*.

Close the onion and wrap a good amount of black thread right around the middle until its sturdy and closed.

Stab the needles in the onion in a circle diagonally around the entire onion.
Repeat crossing the circles, they should look like a giant “X” that circles around the onion. (6 for one circle and 6 the other).

Thread one of the circles with black thread, and the other with red.
One thread should go through each needle. When you’ve finish tie it off with a simple knot.

Place it in a bag (plastic trash bag is fine) or a box (cardboard is fine).

“You crossed a line, that much is true,
So now I’ll send my spite to you.
A wicked core will burn and ache
You crossed a line, your own mistake.

Needles sharp and eyes of thread
Sleep now as you’ve made this bed
Many layers deep it will delve
A year of bitterness, these months of twelve.”

Before you seal off the container (bag or box) spit into it if you want them to know somehow, somehow all these bad things are your handiwork.

Seal the container and dispose of the onion.

Enjoy your year.

*(Be very careful when handling Bittersweet Nightshade as it is poisonous and dangerous. Gloves are recommended as is washing your hands after touching).

DIY: the CURSE A BITCH edition


So yeah, follow up to this post.

You’ll need:
• polymer clay
• nails
• paints and brushes
• a jar
• a taglock
• salt
• black pepper
• tabasco
• vinegar (the clear kind you use for cleaning)
• dirt
• gutter water
• candles

First I salted all my windowsills and my doorstep with salt to make protect my house. To make sure the bitch wouldn’t be able to counteract, I created a home guardian who acts as a “bouncer” of sort.

Then I made a small poppet out of clay. I tried to make it look as much like the bitch as I could at that scale. Then I drove nails into her, telling her each time why she was being stabbed. “This one is for when you made fun of coworker S”, “this one is for when you bullied coworker B”, “this one is for when you took pictures of me”, etc… I finished by driving a nail in her mouth “that’s to teach you to stop spreading gossips and lies”

I made her look anguished and in pain because that’s why I want for her. Then I baked the poppet, leaving the nails in. I roughly painted it afterward.

Once it was dried, I glued her inside the jar. My taglock this time was a note she wrote me. Her name was even on it, so that was good. I put it inside the jar and lit it up. Watching the flames lick her frame was cathartic.

Once it was done burning, I covered the ashes with salt to ward off her influence and irritate her. Then I ground some black pepper and poured it along some tabasco on her, to burn her. Then I went outside and scraped some dust and hair and dead bugs from the ground and poured it on her, so her reputation gets as dirty as she tried to make mine.

Ew, gross.

I added nails to the mixture so that every time I shake the jar, she’s hit by the weight of what she’s done.

Then I filled it to two third with vinegar. At first I wanted to use the cooking kind, but in the end, the cleaning kind made more sense. I mean, she’s a huge disgusting stain on the surface of earth, so… I topped it off with some gutter water because that’s where she belong, and spat in it three times, thinking about all the crap she had done to me and the others.

Once I was done, I just sealed it with wax and placed it in a dark place where it never sees the light of day.

I poured some salt and pepper on top of it, hence the grains. The color is a lot grosser irl, haha.

Anyway, there you go: how to curse a bitch.

Meat Poppet Curse



Yep. Meat. Poppet. It’s devastating in practice. I decided to post this only because I’ve seen what I did, and damn is it effective. 


1 lb of ground meat. I chose hamburger because it is cheap and plentiful. 

½ yard of cotton fabric. Use whatever color you think fits. I prefer white, black, or flesh tones. 

Needle and thread

People poppet pattern (make it as detailed or un-detailed as you like. I default to a basic gingerbread-man pattern)

A chicken heart, if you have one available. If not, whatever. 


Extra thread

What the fuck do I do with all this?

 1.) Make your poppet: Sew it together. As you hand-stitch your poppet, remind it what it did to piss you off. For example, as you stitch, speak/mutter/think loudly “You are [insert name here] and you done fucked up. You did [insert thing here].” Use your sharpie to mark it with their real name, face, details, etc.

2.) stuff it half full of meat. If you have one, shove your chicken heart in there. Fill it up the rest of the way with meat. Now your poppet has a greasy, nasty meat body, just like in real life!

3.) Name your poppet, and give it life. Ya’ll probably know how to do this if you’re doing poppety things. 

4.) Bind that fucker up. Take that extra thread and tie their arms together. Bind their legs, blind them, wrap up their mouth. Whatever. 

5.) Here’s the fun part: Chuck that poppet into the street, onto railroad tracks, into a shallow grave- whatever. Make sure wherever you throw it, it will be destroyed. Busy streets and railroad crossings work well. 

6.) Enjoy the rapid deterioration of your target’s life. For me, it was pmuch immediate. Your mileage may vary.