
Made a good luck spell because I’m hoping for good luck in my senior year and my career life.

What you need:
🔮a bowl
🔮small jar
🔮purple candle

-How to cast the spell:
1. In a small bowl, mix cinnamon and cloves together
2. Write on your paper, luck, or a sigils that represents good luck to you
3. Burn your paper in your bowl
4. Pour The contents into your jar and seal it. Charge it with your intents for good luck
5. Seal your jar with a purple candle (optional)


Little Bit of Luck – three penny spell

– Three pennies
– A clover leaf (or other lucky plant)

While whispering thanks, drop one to the earth, drop one to water, and give one to the air (by putting it someplace high). Then place a clover leaf on your tongue. You can eat it or spit it out. A little bit of good luck is yours for the next three days. ~ alternately you can put the pennies into a tip jar or collection plate and give the good luck to someone else.

If you try it out, I’d love to know how things go!