“Take A Fucking Sip, Babes…” Lust Spell


This is meant to be an easily customizable based on taste, with obvious symbolism so that it is easy to adjust as well. 


  • Milk – Symbolism: boobs and/or dudes (lmao “nut milk”) 
  • Honey (1 tsp)- Make the orgasm long and lucious 
  • Brown Sugar (1 tsp) – So the ride up may be sweet
  • Nutella or Cocoa Powder (1 tsp) – Overall aphrodisiac
  • Cinnamon – Comfort (during sex and/or with your sexuality) 
  • Nutmeg-
    “Spice things up”; Increase sensations

  • Allspice -”Spice things up” (more intense than nutmeg), increase sensations
  • Optional: Vanilla extract, for flavoring (and if you prefer “vanilla”)


  1. Combine everything in a microwaveable cup, focusing on the purpose of each item as you put them in.
  2. Heat in microwave for 69 seconds. 
  3. Take it out, and while stirring, adjust the stirring speed to reflect the specific effect you want/how you want the energy to affect you/how u want the sexy times to be like; really fast = big whabam of horniness/fast and rough, slow = gentle, etc .
  4. Imagine naughty things while drinking.

Repeat literally whenever you want. 

“Take A Fucking Sip, Babes…”