
this has probably been posted abt before but u can infuse ur tea/hot drink with positive energy n take out negative energy super easily!! in fact, i used to do it even before i got into witchcraft n stuff, just as a nice thing to do, and it seems to work!! 

stirring clockwise is an invoking action, so u visualise positive vibes n energy going into the tea and how it will affect the drinker (will it be relaxing?? boost their mood??) 

stir anticlockwise and visualise negative energy being removed, until the mug is full of steaming hot positive goodness 

u can continue until u feel its been stirred enough, and complete ur tasty beverage


(testimonials: when given to my dad who was not aware of the whole magic-y part, he said it was ‘the best tea he’d ever had’. so there u have it folks) 


Tasseomancy: The Reading of Tea Leaves

a divination or fortune-telling method that interprets patterns in tea leaves, coffee grounds, or wine sediments.

The terms derive from the French word tasse (cup), which in turn derives from the cognate Arabic word tassa, and the Greek suffixes -graph (writing), -logy (study of), and -mancy (divination).

Divination attempts to gain insight into the natural world through intuitive interpretation of synchronistic events.


Crystal Herbalism– Clever Fox Tea

1 tsp Dandelion 

½ tsp Peppermint

½ tsp Cinnamon Powder

½ Licorice Root

1 Pinch Ginger

Stone– Carnelian a fire energy that strengthens creativity, wit, warmth of the spirit, and promoting inspiration.

Fox Totem– mental awareness, intuition, ability to overcome obstacles, confidence, and dream work

Connect to fox energy and drink this warm tea on a cool autumn day.
