
this has probably been posted abt before but u can infuse ur tea/hot drink with positive energy n take out negative energy super easily!! in fact, i used to do it even before i got into witchcraft n stuff, just as a nice thing to do, and it seems to work!! 

stirring clockwise is an invoking action, so u visualise positive vibes n energy going into the tea and how it will affect the drinker (will it be relaxing?? boost their mood??) 

stir anticlockwise and visualise negative energy being removed, until the mug is full of steaming hot positive goodness 

u can continue until u feel its been stirred enough, and complete ur tasty beverage


(testimonials: when given to my dad who was not aware of the whole magic-y part, he said it was ‘the best tea he’d ever had’. so there u have it folks) 

The Best Of WitchTips (So Far) Part II


Part I

Actions In Witchcraft

Budget Witchcraft Supplies Masterpost Part II

Common Animal Associations in Witchcraft Part II

Flower Associations in Witchcraft

Fruit and Vegetable Associations in Witchcraft

Menstrual Magick

Pet Funerary Spell

❣ Ritual To Invite Spirit Contact

❣ Runes – An Introductory Masterpost

The Planets, Retrograde, and You

❣ The WitchTips Podcast (All) (Tumblr, Soundcloud, YouTube)

The WitchTips Podcast Episode #1 – The Bell Witch Haunting

The WitchTips Podcast Episode #2 – The Occult and The Music Industry

The WitchTips Podcast Episode #3 – Ouja Boards

The WitchTips Podcast Episode #4 – The Afterglow Vista

What Is Beltane? A Short History and Explanation

Witchy Etsy Shops Masterpost Part I

Witchy Etsy Shops Masterpost Part II

Witch Tip #140

Witch Tip #141

Witch Tip #142

Witch Tip #143

Witch Tip #144

Witch Tip #145

Witch Tip #146

Witch Tip #147

Witch Tip #148

Witch Tip #149

Witch Tip #150

Witch Tip #151

Witch Tip #152

Witch Tip #153

Witch Tip #154

Witch Tip #155

Witch Tip #156

Witch Tip #157

Witch Tip


When doing spells or rituals that involve fire:

1. PLEASE be aware of any flammable objects laying close by.

2. Always keep a few jars/containers of water close by just in case.

3. If you’re using candles, be careful of dripping wax onto things when shifting them. It’s usually hot and when it cools, it sticks to whatever it’s on, making it a pain to clean. 

4. When done, make sure to fully extinguish the flames. Never leave it unattended.

5. Clean up the area when done.